Martes, Oktubre 18, 2016

The Impact of Terrorism and Disasters on Children

Children, those both directly and indirectly involved, are particularly vulnerable to the far-reaching impact of terrorism and disasters. Children at risk for experiencing mental health difficulties after a disaster or act of terrorism include those who are near to or actually witness the event, those who lose loved ones as a result, and even those children who merely live in the affected community or watch coverage of the event on television. This briefing paper provides an empirically-based overview of the risk and protective factors for children exposed to terrorism and their typical responses. This paper also sets forth what we know about mental health interventions and proposes recommendations for addressing the impact of terrorism on our nation's children.

Risk Factors That May Increase Adjustment Problems for Children

  • Intense or prolonged exposure to the event, including geographic proximity
  • Witnessing or sustaining an injury
  • Perceiving a threat to themselves or loved ones
  • Other major life stressors, such as parental divorce or the death or hospitalization of a family member
  • Death of parents, siblings, or close friends
  • Having parents who are traumatized themselves by the event
  • Disruption in daily routines, residence, or school
  • Television exposure following the event, even if the child was not directly affected

Protective Factors That May Help Promote Coping and Positive Adjustment

  • Strong social support from families, teachers, and the community
  • Parental coping and support for the child
  • Economic resources to facilitate the family's adaptation
  • Prior low levels of anxiety and depression
  • Positive, adaptive coping and problem-solving skills
  • Prior successful academic achievement
  • Ability to understand the events based on age and developmental level

Children's Reactions to Traumatic Events

  • Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that develops in response to witnessing or experiencing a threatening or harmful event that elicits fear, helplessness, or horror. Symptoms of PTSD include persistent re-experiencing of the event, avoidance of things or places related to the event, and persistent symptoms of increased arousal. PTSD is the most common response to disastrous events in children, occurring in up to 40% of children exposed to disasters and typically within three months after the event. It can still be present more than 15 years after a terrorist event.
  • Almost one year after the Oklahoma City bombing, 50% of local elementary school children reported clinical levels of PTSD, and one half reported being concerned about the safety of their family.
  • A recent study found that six months after September 11th, approximately 75,000 New York City public school children in grades 4 through 12 were suffering from PTSD, including children who were not directly affected by the event.
  • Disrupted consciousness, uncontrollable, intense grief, changes in sleeping or eating patterns, and extreme cognitive impairment may appear in severely affected children.
  • Other symptoms include depression, anxiety, increased startle response and arousal level, irritability, sleep disturbance, safety and security concerns, restlessness, social isolation, aggression, peer rejection, bullying, school absences, a decline in academic performance, and a decreased interest in previously enjoyed activities or hobbies. Children with a milder form of PTSD generally recover sooner.
  • Symptoms typically decrease in frequency and intensity if there has been no reoccurrence of the traumatic event or exposure to other traumatic events.
  • The presumption of parents and teachers that children are resilient and coping well can impede their detecting symptoms of stress.

Research Findings Suggest That Mental Health Interventions Should Be...

  • Broad, comprehensive and initiated with a community-wide screening to identify those at risk. Community needs assessments should drive ongoing interventions, attempt to address any persistent or recurring symptoms and changes in needs of children over time, and identify those children who were not identified immediately after the event.
  • Well coordinated with mental health professionals enlisting the school staff into the process of initiating and implementing interventions for students to ensure successful utilization.
  • Implemented by individuals who are trained and have experience working with crisis, disaster response, PTSD, and children's grief responses.
  • Theoretically and empirically informed using the most effective models, including use of manualized curricula developed through research.
  • Culturally sensitive, developmentally appropriate, shaped by survivors' needs, allow children to resume familiar roles and responsibilities (such as going to school and having children engage in developmentally appropriate tasks), include parents and other caregivers, and provide economic relief for families, as well as assistance in obtaining health care.
  • Concentrated on insuring the basic safety of the child and loved ones immediately after a terrorist event, addressing physical needs, and reuniting loved ones.
  • Focused on encouraging children to express their feelings about the event, discussing normal reactions, and teaching problem-solving skills.
  • Centered around current symptoms or on the specific traumatic event in order to be effective beyond the initial phase of response.
  • Inclusive of psycho-educational programs for anxiety management and coping skills, and modifying the child's erroneous and maladaptive attributions.

General Recommendations for Policymakers

  • Enhancing training opportunities for health and mental health professionals through graduate and continuing education programs on how to screen, identify and refer children in need of mental health services after a disaster or terrorist event.
  • Supporting research to explore children's immediate responses, changes in responses over time, and factors that influence, either positively or negatively, children's reactions.
  • Translating and disseminating research findings (e.g., an information exchange network or the development and maintenance of a national database) by federal agencies to promote evidence-based interventions for children.
  • Providing financial assistance for children and families (e.g., Medicaid and the Social Services Block Grant) to facilitate recovery from the event and access the mental health system.

Terrorism causes, effects, and solutions

  1. 1. TERRORISM Srun sakada
  2. 2. DEFINITION OF TERRORISM Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against person or Property to intimidate or coerce o government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.” F.B.I Definition terrorism is the unlawful use of, or threatened use of force or violence against individuals or property to coerce and intimidate government or societies, often to achieve political, religious or ideological objectives. US Department of Defence “Terrorism is the use or threatened use of force designed to bring about political change.” Brian Jenkins
  3. 3. TYPES OF TERRORISM National Terrorism involves groups whose terrorist activities are directed at elements of our government without foreign involvement. Oklahoma City bombing is a primary example
  4. 4. TYPES OF TERRORISM(CON.) International terrorism involves groups whose terrorist activities are foreign-based and/or directed by countries or groups outside the United States. Sept. 11 is an example of International Terrorism.
  5. 5. CAUSES OF TERRORISM Social and political injustice The belief that violence or its threat will be effective Religious Illiteracy Injustice
  6. 6. CAUSES OF TERRORISM • Social and political injustice: People choose terrorism when they are trying to right what they perceive to be a social or political or historical wrong—when they have been stripped of their land or rights, or denied these. For instant, the Irish Republican Army (IRA) bombed English target in the 1980s to make the point that they felt their land was colonized by British imperialists.
  7. 7. CAUSES OF TERRORISM • The belief that violence or its threat will be effective. Another way of saying this is: the belief that violent means justify the ends. Many terrorists in history said sincerely that they choose violence after long deliberation, because they felt they had no choice.
  8. 8. CAUSES OF TERRORISM • Religious: perhaps the most commonly held belief today is that terrorism is caused by religion. Though it is not the main cause for terrorism, religion does play a significant role in driving some forms of it. Many terrorist get wrong understanding in religion. Since 1980, there has been an increase in terrorist activity motivated by religion.
  9. 9. CAUSES OF TERRORISM • Illiteracy: Lack of education amongst the people has been put forward as a prime reason of terrorism. Uneducated person are easy to be persuaded to commit the crime because they have no high ability of thinking. Many terrorists believe crazy things; they're more likely to do crazy things.
  10. 10. CAUSES OF TERRORISM • Injustice: Injustice is a cause of terrorism. People get offended and hurt by the justice system that they choose to resort to acts of violence in order to protest the on- going injustice. There is no cure to fixing the justice system to ensure that everyone is happy, but injustice is a cause of terrorism.
  11. 11. IMPACT OF TERRORISM Economic impact: loss of life, infrastructures, and business. Government spending on security Society impact: create atmosphere of suspicion, fear ,and panic all around Politic impact: makes world politics more complicated and difficult
  12. 12. IMPACT OF TERRORISM • Economic impact: we can see that every terrorism event always killed the innocent people, destroyed public properties, and individual properties. The large amount of money has been used to repair the loss of infrastructures. The investigators are afraid to do the business because they worry about safety. Government spending on security has also increased. For example, September 11 Attacks • Loss of life and property cost insurance companies close to US$40 million • Losses of business to the airline industry as people were afraid of flying following the incidents.
  13. 13. IMPACT OF TERRORISM • Society impact: Terrorism poses a serious law and order problem and leads to disintegration of society. The incident of murder, torture, mutilation, kidnapping, arson and extortion create atmosphere of suspicion, fear and panic all around. Life becomes uncertain. The terrorists kill unarmed civilians including women and children.
  14. 14. IMPACT OF TERRORISM • Politic impact: In general, terrorism makes world politics more complicated and difficult. This is because terrorism can cause very important problems even though terrorist groups are not clearly linked to states. The presence of non-state actors who can have a real impact on the world makes world politics more difficult.
  15. 15. SOLUTIONS TO TERRORISM Education!!! Understand the differences in cultures, religions, beliefs and human behaviors Think of the peace, freedom and equality of all human beings, not just “one group of people” Eliminate the root of terrorism
  16. 16. SOLUTIONS TO TERRORISM • Education: education is a primary solution to terrorism. The government should educate the people to understand the differences in culture, religion, belief, and human behaviors. All people should think of the peace, freedom and equality of all human beings, not just “their group of people”
  17. 17. SOLUTIONS TO TERRORISM • Eliminate the root of terrorism: The way this world is attacking terrorism is funny. Every country is doing something to kill terrorism, but they still cannot eliminate all terrorist. They can kill some terrorists today, but they cannot kill the other terrorist tomorrow or after tomorrow. They should try to find the root of terrorism, and they have to eliminate it. Black money is the main root cause of terrorism because terrorists can do nothing without money, so the government should find who support the terrorist.
  18. 18. SOLUTIONS TO TERRORISM • Understand about terrorists: the solution is to find out the problem why a terrorist doesn't feel guilty and why he was forced to be a terrorist. It may be some injustice done to him. Hatred spreads hatred only. It may be conquered by love only.

Terrorism causes, effects, and solutions

  1. 1. TERRORISM Srun sakada
  2. 2. DEFINITION OF TERRORISM Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against person or Property to intimidate or coerce o government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.” F.B.I Definition terrorism is the unlawful use of, or threatened use of force or violence against individuals or property to coerce and intimidate government or societies, often to achieve political, religious or ideological objectives. US Department of Defence “Terrorism is the use or threatened use of force designed to bring about political change.” Brian Jenkins
  3. 3. TYPES OF TERRORISM National Terrorism involves groups whose terrorist activities are directed at elements of our government without foreign involvement. Oklahoma City bombing is a primary example
  4. 4. TYPES OF TERRORISM(CON.) International terrorism involves groups whose terrorist activities are foreign-based and/or directed by countries or groups outside the United States. Sept. 11 is an example of International Terrorism.
  5. 5. CAUSES OF TERRORISM Social and political injustice The belief that violence or its threat will be effective Religious Illiteracy Injustice
  6. 6. CAUSES OF TERRORISM • Social and political injustice: People choose terrorism when they are trying to right what they perceive to be a social or political or historical wrong—when they have been stripped of their land or rights, or denied these. For instant, the Irish Republican Army (IRA) bombed English target in the 1980s to make the point that they felt their land was colonized by British imperialists.
  7. 7. CAUSES OF TERRORISM • The belief that violence or its threat will be effective. Another way of saying this is: the belief that violent means justify the ends. Many terrorists in history said sincerely that they choose violence after long deliberation, because they felt they had no choice.
  8. 8. CAUSES OF TERRORISM • Religious: perhaps the most commonly held belief today is that terrorism is caused by religion. Though it is not the main cause for terrorism, religion does play a significant role in driving some forms of it. Many terrorist get wrong understanding in religion. Since 1980, there has been an increase in terrorist activity motivated by religion.
  9. 9. CAUSES OF TERRORISM • Illiteracy: Lack of education amongst the people has been put forward as a prime reason of terrorism. Uneducated person are easy to be persuaded to commit the crime because they have no high ability of thinking. Many terrorists believe crazy things; they're more likely to do crazy things.
  10. 10. CAUSES OF TERRORISM • Injustice: Injustice is a cause of terrorism. People get offended and hurt by the justice system that they choose to resort to acts of violence in order to protest the on- going injustice. There is no cure to fixing the justice system to ensure that everyone is happy, but injustice is a cause of terrorism.
  11. 11. IMPACT OF TERRORISM Economic impact: loss of life, infrastructures, and business. Government spending on security Society impact: create atmosphere of suspicion, fear ,and panic all around Politic impact: makes world politics more complicated and difficult
  12. 12. IMPACT OF TERRORISM • Economic impact: we can see that every terrorism event always killed the innocent people, destroyed public properties, and individual properties. The large amount of money has been used to repair the loss of infrastructures. The investigators are afraid to do the business because they worry about safety. Government spending on security has also increased. For example, September 11 Attacks • Loss of life and property cost insurance companies close to US$40 million • Losses of business to the airline industry as people were afraid of flying following the incidents.
  13. 13. IMPACT OF TERRORISM • Society impact: Terrorism poses a serious law and order problem and leads to disintegration of society. The incident of murder, torture, mutilation, kidnapping, arson and extortion create atmosphere of suspicion, fear and panic all around. Life becomes uncertain. The terrorists kill unarmed civilians including women and children.
  14. 14. IMPACT OF TERRORISM • Politic impact: In general, terrorism makes world politics more complicated and difficult. This is because terrorism can cause very important problems even though terrorist groups are not clearly linked to states. The presence of non-state actors who can have a real impact on the world makes world politics more difficult.
  15. 15. SOLUTIONS TO TERRORISM Education!!! Understand the differences in cultures, religions, beliefs and human behaviors Think of the peace, freedom and equality of all human beings, not just “one group of people” Eliminate the root of terrorism
  16. 16. SOLUTIONS TO TERRORISM • Education: education is a primary solution to terrorism. The government should educate the people to understand the differences in culture, religion, belief, and human behaviors. All people should think of the peace, freedom and equality of all human beings, not just “their group of people”
  17. 17. SOLUTIONS TO TERRORISM • Eliminate the root of terrorism: The way this world is attacking terrorism is funny. Every country is doing something to kill terrorism, but they still cannot eliminate all terrorist. They can kill some terrorists today, but they cannot kill the other terrorist tomorrow or after tomorrow. They should try to find the root of terrorism, and they have to eliminate it. Black money is the main root cause of terrorism because terrorists can do nothing without money, so the government should find who support the terrorist.
  18. 18. SOLUTIONS TO TERRORISM • Understand about terrorists: the solution is to find out the problem why a terrorist doesn't feel guilty and why he was forced to be a terrorist. It may be some injustice done to him. Hatred spreads hatred only. It may be conquered by love only.